Quarantine Tanks

As the industry grows and sources of fish grow so does the potential to spread deadly parasites and diseases.  Quarantining your fish is not a luxury, but a necessity.  Quarantine tanks do not need to be fancy.   A simple 10 -20 gallon tank is usually adequate with a small heater, air stone, and some type of filtration.

Hang on back filtration is easy and a reasonably affordable solution.  Sponge filters attached to the airstones work as well.  If you use carbon in the tank make sure to remove it before dosing any medications.  Don’t place any sand or rock in your QT tank.  A large diameter PVC pipe can be used to give inhabitants a place to hide if necessary.

Quarantine tanks do not need to be permanent either.  They can be stored away until you purchase a fish or coral.  If you plan on cruising the fish stores looking for a new purchase just make some water for a water change a day or so before.  If you happen to find something to buy then do a water change and use the old water to fill the quarantine.  Make sure to have an ammonia test kit on hand and test daily.  Regular water changes with your existing tank water is generally enough to keep the QT stable.